Boolean Strings Network

The Internet Sourcing Community

Per our LinkedIn Group Discussion:

You are welcome to share your search strings here! Any and all suggestions on how to organize this are welcome. 

Please note: let's keep the comments to this discussion outside-links free. 

Actually, here's a slight correction: please feel free to post links to your searches.

 ALSO: Let's keep this post questions-free. If you are looking for help please start a new forum post.

Thanks! :)

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Well let me be the first to start

I used this string to find Cost Estimating, w/Electrical Engineer background   (estimator OR "cost estimating") AND "electrical   engineer" AND (P6 OR accubid) (inurl:com/pub OR inurl:com/in)   -inurl:pub/dir

You know it works when you bring up a number of people that are already employees

Here's one for a Network Engineer IP development exp in a Telco environment (Video streaming). Should be adaptable to most CV libraries, internal ATS systems and LinkedIn: 

(network OR networking OR networks OR internet OR ip OR ipv4 OR ipv6 OR "internet protocol" OR iptv OR vpls OR ethernet OR tru2way OR "Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert" OR ccie)

(engineer OR architect OR designer OR design OR engineering OR architecture OR developer OR develop OR developed OR expert OR sme OR specialist OR guru OR ninja OR analyst OR analysis OR consultant OR "Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert" OR ccie)

(ip OR "internet protocol" OR ipv4 OR ipv6 OR broadband OR ethernet OR cat5 OR "triple play" OR "quad play" OR virgin OR "bt vision" OR "talk talk" OR iptv OR vpls OR mpls OR tdm OR eompls OR ott OR isp OR "adaptive streaming" OR tru2way OR openway)

(development OR developing OR developed OR built OR building OR build OR constructed OR construction OR construct OR implemented OR implement OR implements OR design OR designed OR designs)

(cdn OR "content delivery network" OR "cdns" OR "content delivery networks" OR "content delivery networking" OR p2p OR "p-2-p" OR icap OR "opes" OR esi)

(telco OR telecoms OR telecommunications OR telcos OR o2 OR virgin OR vodafone OR "everything everywhere" OR bt OR orange OR tmobile OR "talk talk" OR cdn OR "triple play" OR "quad play")

Here's another one for diabetic nurses who are willing to travel (originally used in a UK search so may need to be adapted for other markets:

NOTE: the wildcard is not supported by LinkedIn or search engines (at least not as a root stem) so please remove and expand the OR string with longer synonym alternatives for those data sources). Works in Monster, ATS systems etc.

(nurse OR nursing OR rn OR rgn OR "rn1" OR srn OR nmc OR rcn OR "band 5" OR "band 6")

(diabet* OR diabetic OR chronic OR insulin OR "blood sugar*" OR "type 1" OR "type 2" OR "type I" OR "type II" OR "typeI" OR "typeII" OR "type1" OR "type2" OR endocrine)

("qualified nurse" OR rn OR rgn OR "dip* nursing" OR "diploma in nursing" OR "dip in nursing" OR "bachelor in nursing" OR "bsc nursing" OR "bsc in nursing" OR "bachelor* nursing" OR "bachelor of science nursing" OR "bachelor of science in nursing" OR "adult nurse" OR "first level nurse" OR "1st level nurse" OR "general nurse" OR "registered nurse")

(insulin OR "glucose stick*" OR blood*)

(driv* OR car OR travel* OR visit* OR fuel OR commute OR field OR region OR peripatetic OR community OR district*)

("dip* in diabetes" OR "dip* diabetes" OR "dip* in diabetes" OR pgdd* OR "enb928" OR "enb 928")

Another one, this time for LinkedIn (but usable in most ATS and Job Board Resume searches) for a Cisco Certified Network Engineer with exp building MPLS in a telco:

(network OR networks OR infrastructure OR data OR infrastructures OR cisco OR ethernet OR wan OR wlan OR lan OR can OR "ipv6" OR ethernet OR vpls OR mpls OR carrier OR "r&s" OR routing OR switching OR solution OR solutions OR ccie)

(architect OR designer OR design OR architecture OR "designing" OR architecting OR engineer OR engineering OR engineered OR creator OR build OR builder OR creation OR creating OR ccie OR consultant OR expert OR ninja OR guru OR specialist OR contractor OR master OR sme)

(ccie OR "cisco certified internetwork expert")

(design OR designing OR designs OR designed OR created OR creates OR designer OR designers OR designing OR building OR build OR builder OR built OR implementing OR implemented OR deploy OR deployed OR implement OR implements)

(mpls OR "Multiprotocol Label" OR "frame relay" OR packet OR packets OR mplsvpn)

(telecoms OR telecom OR telco OR telecommunications OR mobile OR telecommunication OR "fixed line" OR broadband OR wireless OR vodafone OR bt OR "02" OR eircom OR magnet OR "convergant data" OR "triple play" OR "quad play" OR meteor OR upc OR ntl OR "virgin media" OR digicel OR orange OR tmobile OR "t mobile" OR telefonica OR sky OR ericsson OR "everything everywhere" OR emobile)

Here's a few standard strings I always have success with:

Using Google for general LI profile results: "" javascript "c#" "location * greater new york" "people you know"

Using Google to xray LI groups: "logo * java developers" "location * greater new york" "people you know"

Using Google to xray Google+: inurl:about keywords "lived * ny"


Others: "java developer" developer|engineer ~java "in my own words"


I like Here's the search string: inurl:members intitle:<target city> intitle:<keyword>


Meetup profiles have city in the title, so replace <target city> with the relevant city. Using intitle will search for groups with the keyword in the name, so you might also want to search on the bare keyword rather than just intitle. FYI, you can send people email directly from (there's a "send email" link on the profile), which is pretty useful.

I am looking for a search string = product marketing, marketing, outbound from the telecom, computer networking industry located in the Silicon Valley region.

Regards, Chris Hofstetter/CTH Corp.

I have been lightly sourcing on site.  Try this x-ray search that gives you skills that have been endorsed by others.  I put a few of my thoughts about the site down on paper/screen, so excuse the rambling.  Try this search if you are recruiting/sourcing from Twitter. (keyword OR keyword) 

Arron, Thanks for the information. I will give it a try. I think I have squeezed just about every possibility out of Linkedin.

Regards, Chris

Yeah, I hear you.  I now run two searches with Linkedin x-ray and through the regular search just to make sure I am making the most out of it!  If it ever endds up gaining momentum, it could be valuable.

Chris Hofstetter said:

Arron, Thanks for the information. I will give it a try. I think I have squeezed just about every possibility out of Linkedin.

Regards, Chris

Here is one of my favs...  ~resume (Oracle EBS) (filetype:pdf OR filetype:doc OR filetype:rtf OR filetype:htm OR filetype:html)  -jobs -apply -submit -required -wanted -write -sample

Nice idea Irina. I'll contribute one of my own for you Cleantech sourcers  out there. Happy hunting!


Water Purification boolean

(water OR freshwater OR wastewater OR groundwater) AND (uv OR "u.v." OR ultraviolet OR "ultra violet" OR "ultra-violet" OR photodecomposition OR photodecomposing OR treatmeant OR disinfection OR disinfecting OR purification OR purifying OR deionization OR deionizing OR ultrafiltration OR ultrafiltering OR filtration OR filtering OR softening OR decontamination OR decontaminating OR remediation OR electrodeionization OR electrodionizing OR ect OR "e.c.t." OR "infection control" OR reclamation OR reclaiming OR reclaimed)


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