Hi Debra,
You can try these keys on Google Engine hope will meet your requirements. And try to make some changes for maximum result.
For Operations:
director Operation (consumer packaged food | fmcg) (intitle:resume | inurl:resume | intile:cv | inurl:cv) -submit -apply -free -sample -samples -eoe -job -jobs -”resume service” usa
For SCM position:
director (Supply Chain Management | SCM) (consumer packaged food | fmcg) (intitle:resume | inurl:resume | inurl:cv | intitle:cv) -submit -apply -free -sample -samples -eoe -job -jobs -”resume service” usa
Do let me know the update on this...
Happy Sourcing....
Your question is a bit confusing as I'm not sure if you're asking for either a dir of Operations or a director of of Supply Chain Mgt in the consumer packaged goods industry, or all separate?
However, here is a string for a Director of Supply Chain in the CPG industry sector. You can modify the titles and play with the industry or try them separately - also no locations were given, but you can add those - here is the basic string to follow:
In GOOGLE, copy:
site:www.linkedin.com "director of supply chain" ("consumer packaged goods" | cpg) -intitle:directory -inurl:updates -inurl:jobid -inurl:find -inurl:answers
Debra, below you will find where i tweaked the previous offerings.
you should save a basic search string to a notepad file and just tweak it as needed. don't forget, some titles are interchangeable - a Director at one company is a VP level at another.
good luck!
(CPG|"consumer packaged goods") (operations|"supply chain") (directed|managed) (intitle:resume | inurl:resume | intile:cv | inurl:cv) -submit -apply -free -sample -samples -eoe -job -jobs -”resume service”
(CPG|"consumer packaged goods") (operations|"supply chain") (director|manager) (intitle:resume | inurl:resume | intile:cv | inurl:cv) -submit -apply -free -sample -samples -eoe -job -jobs -”resume service”
site:www.linkedin.com "supply chain" (directed|managed) ("consumer packaged goods"|CPG) -intitle:directory -inurl:updates -inurl:jobid -inurl:find -inurl:answers
site:www.linkedin.com "supply chain" food (directed|managed) ("consumer packaged goods"|CPG) -intitle:directory -inurl:updates -inurl:jobid -inurl:find -inurl:answers
site:www.linkedin.com "supply chain" food (director|manager) ("consumer packaged goods"|CPG) -intitle:directory -inurl:updates -inurl:jobid -inurl:find -inurl:answers
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