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If you include inanchor: in your query, Google will restrict the results to pages containing the query terms you specify in the "anchor text" of links to the page. Anchor text is the text on a page that is linked to another web page or a different place on the current page.

Why can this be useful? Some resumes will not be found by intitle:resume | inurl:resume if the person, say, put's his/her name in the title or something else. However, if on a different web page there's a link to a page containing the word "resume", then we will find it by searching for inanchor:resume.

Let's exclude pages where the word "resume" is in the URL or in the title and see if this operator brings new results. As an example, if we search for something like

inanchor:resume -intitle:resume -inurl:resume C++ STL California experience skills -job -jobs

we will find a number of resumes of software engineers with C++ and STL skills. (I have included -intitle:resume -inurl:resume in the string to demonstrate that inanchor does, indeed bring new results.)


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Hi Irina,
Good tip, thanks. One note, as I have tried this and I substituted JAVA for C+ and STL and got lots of job boards, I can't figure out why the -job -jobs did not work. Any idea?

What was your string, exactly? You can try adding -~job -~jobs

Joseph Litvin said:
Hi Irina,
Good tip, thanks. One note, as I have tried this and I substituted JAVA for C+ and STL and got lots of job boards, I can't figure out why the -job -jobs did not work. Any idea?
Hi Irina,

Are you talking about this search in Linkedin or Google

Joseph Litvin said:
Hi Irina,
Good tip, thanks. One note, as I have tried this and I substituted JAVA for C+ and STL and got lots of job boards, I can't figure out why the -job -jobs did not work. Any idea?
inanchor: is a Google operator.

Smitha S said:
Hi Irina,

Are you talking about this search in Linkedin or Google

Joseph Litvin said:
Hi Irina,
Good tip, thanks. One note, as I have tried this and I substituted JAVA for C+ and STL and got lots of job boards, I can't figure out why the -job -jobs did not work. Any idea?

I tried your string above (copied & pasted) and 24 of the 38 returned url's contain the word resume in the url? Not sure if Google is acting up or not. On the flip side, it did find 12 that you would not find with intitle:resume | inurl:resume - so that is good but still not how it should be.

Hi Charles,

No, Google is not acting up. To see what it does try this string for comparison:

inanchor:resume C++ STL California experience skills -job -jobs

The main point is that you did find 12 new resumes by using this technique, and this may bring you ahead of competition.
The anchor technique may not find as much as our usual intitle:resume | inurl:resume (and may bring up some false positives), but other folks will miss these results.


Charles Bretz said:

I tried your string above (copied & pasted) and 24 of the 38 returned url's contain the word resume in the url? Not sure if Google is acting up or not. On the flip side, it did find 12 that you would not find with intitle:resume | inurl:resume - so that is good but still not how it should be.

This may seem elementary in response, but if the string says -inurl:resume, and even one results shows resume in the url, what's happening?

Irina Shamaeva said:
Hi Charles,

No, Google is not acting up. To see what it does try this string for comparison:

inanchor:resume C++ STL California experience skills -job -jobs

The main point is that you did find 12 new resumes by using this technique, and this may bring you ahead of competition.
The anchor technique may not find as much as our usual intitle:resume | inurl:resume (and may bring up some false positives), but other folks will miss these results.


Charles Bretz said:

I tried your string above (copied & pasted) and 24 of the 38 returned url's contain the word resume in the url? Not sure if Google is acting up or not. On the flip side, it did find 12 that you would not find with intitle:resume | inurl:resume - so that is good but still not how it should be.


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