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Help Need help with a search string ( .net C# with specefic IB experience in NYC)

Hi All,

As simple as it may seem ....I am not able to get lucky with any good resumes witn the search strings that I have been using so far on Google.....Any help would be appreciated.

Sql 2005
Business side exp MUST HAVE ( alternative investment / portfolio management / risk management / Hedge funds)
Client location is NYC but will see resumes nationwide

Please Help


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Here's an open web search:[group_ids][]=0&search[site_ids][]=0&search[filter_ids][]=0&search[keywords]=%28%22alternative+investment%22+|+%22portfolio+management%22+|+%22risk+management%22+|[location]=new+york%2C+ny&search[site_search_mode]=easy&search[group_ids][]=1&search[site_ids][]=1&search[site_ids][]=2

...and one on LI:[group_ids][]=0&search[site_ids][]=0&search[filter_ids][]=0&search[keywords]=%28%22alternative+investment%22+|+%22portfolio+management%22+|+%22risk+management%22+|[location]=new+york%2C+ny&search[site_search_mode]=advanced&search[group_ids][]=2&search[site_ids][]=2
Hi Jeff

Thanks for your response but I am not able to understand the string below.
I did run a similar search in and got just 2 results.
I tried it in google and nothing comes up.
Can you please advise more on how I can use the string you suggested below ?

Many Thanks

Jeff Dixon said:
Here's an open web search:[group_ids][]=0&search[site_ids][]=0&search[filter_ids][]=0&search[keywords]=%28%22alternative+investment%22+|+%22portfolio+management%22+|+%22risk+management%22+|[location]=new+york%2C+ny&search[site_search_mode]=easy&search[group_ids][]=1&search[site_ids][]=1&search[site_ids][]=2

...and one on LI:[group_ids][]=0&search[site_ids][]=0&search[filter_ids][]=0&search[keywords]=%28%22alternative+investment%22+|+%22portfolio+management%22+|+%22risk+management%22+|[location]=new+york%2C+ny&search[site_search_mode]=advanced&search[group_ids][]=2&search[site_ids][]=2
Make sure that you copy and paste the entire URL if you use the link below (Ning truncates the link-able portion of the url below).

Alternatively, you can also just go directly to and try the following query:

("alternative investment" | "portfolio management" | "risk management" | "Hedge funds") .net c++ sql
where location is New York, NY

You can toggle the check boxes to view general we search and LinkedIn separately.

Let me know if you're still having problems.


Priti Goel said:
Hi Jeff

Thanks for your response but I am not able to understand the string below.
I did run a similar search in and got just 2 results.
I tried it in google and nothing comes up.
Can you please advise more on how I can use the string you suggested below ?

Many Thanks

Jeff Dixon said:
Here's an open web search:[group_ids][]=0&search[site_ids][]=0&search[filter_ids][]=0&search[keywords]=%28%22alternative+investment%22+|+%22portfolio+management%22+|+%22risk+management%22+|[location]=new+york%2C+ny&search[site_search_mode]=easy&search[group_ids][]=1&search[site_ids][]=1&search[site_ids][]=2

...and one on LI:[group_ids][]=0&search[site_ids][]=0&search[filter_ids][]=0&search[keywords]=%28%22alternative+investment%22+|+%22portfolio+management%22+|+%22risk+management%22+|[location]=new+york%2C+ny&search[site_search_mode]=advanced&search[group_ids][]=2&search[site_ids][]=2
Hi Priti,

Plz try this one on Google..

("Dot Net" | .Net) SQL C# ("alternative investment" | "portfolio management" | "risk management" | "Hedge funds")


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