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HELP- Need Search string for Enterprise Architects

Hi All,

I and desperate for a search string I can use to find data architects or enterprise architects w/ ER and dimension modeling within a certain location. Plus they need to have insurance background.


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Hi Robin,

Have you tried my favorite?
enter: (intitle:resume OR intitle:url OR intitle:cv) data architect enterprise insurance

If you get too many results you can add in location, dimension model*

Good luck!
What framework?
Is it for system/application /integration?
which BI tools?
Thanks Cheryl!

Cheryl said:
Hi Robin,

Have you tried my favorite?
enter: (intitle:resume OR intitle:url OR intitle:cv) data architect enterprise insurance

If you get too many results you can add in location, dimension model*

Good luck!
They need ER and Dimensional modeling.
Add those to Cheryl's search string. Try both in quotes.


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