Boolean Strings Network

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How do I find a corporate tax professional who is also a member of a corporate board of directors?

I have tried running a boolean search on LinkedIn with "tax AND board AND (director OR vice OR vp)" in the title, but the majority of my results are for people on the boards of nonprofits or charitable organizations. Can anyone recommend strategies to find tax professionals on corporate boards of directors?


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Dalton, try using natural language in google:
corporate tax "board of directors"

That pulls some about me pages. Many board members are "out there" on company webpages. You may also want to look for tax boards directly or speaker lists at conferences before turning to business databases like zoominfo, Trustoria,, as well as others. If you are using LinkedIn Recruiter, I've had much trouble pulling the results I need in general. It's gotten a little better but still has quirks

Hi Dalton, 

That's not a ton of information to go off of, but here's some quick thoughts. I'd turn away from LinkedIn, and go to Google.

"board of directors" tax  inurl:directory

and perhaps add location:

"board of directors" tax  inurl:directory "Houston, TX"

Also, take a look at your syntax as well. It'"board of directors" tax  inurl:directory "Houston, TX"Keep these things in mind as well:

1. In LinkedIn your results are filtered to a connection path i.e. you can't see everyone that might fit your criteria

2. Check your syntax and your synonyms. You could build those out a bit more. If you are going to stay in LinkedIn, use the NOT operator. i.e.

tax board (VP OR president OR chairman OR vice) -nonprofit -"non-profit" -501c

Hope this helps. Please let us know by tweeting, or responding. It's nice to know when someone get's good info from the group. 


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