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I need a string for Physical Therapist and Occupational Thereapist in MA, NH and CT

Hello, I need a string for Physical Therapist and Occupational Therapist in MA,NH, CT.

How can I do one that adds zip codes and area codes?


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Bob -

This will work in Google for profiles on LinkedIN: ("physical therapist" | "occupational thereapist") (" massachusetts area" | " new hampshire area" | " connecticut area") -intitle:directory -inurl:updates -inurl:jobid -inurl:find -inurl:answers

Note the space after the quotes for each area - that should get all the areas in the states - or you could select "greater boston area" to capture new hampshire area, etc-

Hi Gary, So the words massachusetts area are real search words? I thought you need just MA or CA or zip codes??? never heard of the use of the word area in a string so thank you!

gary cozin said:
Bob -

This will work in Google for profiles on LinkedIN: ("physical therapist" | "occupational thereapist") (" massachusetts area" | " new hampshire area" | " connecticut area") -intitle:directory -inurl:updates -inurl:jobid -inurl:find -inurl:answers

Note the space after the quotes for each area - that should get all the areas in the states - or you could select "greater boston area" to capture new hampshire area, etc-


The "massachusetts area" | "new hampshire area"....are real search terms and they refer to the geographic locations listed on linkedin profiles. Gary gave you a search string that will return candidates with profiles on LinkedIn that live in those locations.

Fantastic! I tried it and it was great! Can I use that same string for GOOGLE or YAHOO or other Search sites? Also have to do MD Searches and any suggstions on those would be great! Kameron and Gary you guys have been fantastic!
Bob -

The string I gave you is for use in GOOGLE - not LinkedIN!

Bob Corbin said:
Fantastic! I tried it and it was great! Can I use that same string for GOOGLE or YAHOO or other Search sites? Also have to do MD Searches and any suggstions on those would be great! Kameron and Gary you guys have been fantastic!

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