Boolean Strings Network

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Need help finding Workers Compensation Claims professionals for San Francisco or Bay Area

I've run some boolean strings without good results.
I've run different variations as well with: Adjusters, Examiners, Specialists, etc.

Here is a sample of what I've run:

(intitle:resume | inurl:resume) insurance claims (supervisor OR manager) "worker* compensation" (ca OR california) OR "bay area" OR "san francisco" -job -jobs -careers

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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You would need to tweak your string & play with it more & use area code or zip codes for locations-

However- here's a very 'general' string which will bring back too many results-

In GOOGLE insert: "worker's compensation" "san francisco bay area" -intitle:directory -inurl:updates -inurl:jobid -inurl:find -inurl:answers

Now since there are too many results - try to narrow it down by inserting "claims investigator" , etc - when I typed that phrase in I got 1 that looked good-

Good luck-

Thanks for your help.
Are there sites other than LinkedIn that would get good results. I have found facebook to be very disjointed.
Also LinkedIn doesn't utilize area codes or zip codes correct?

Thanks again,

David -

LinkedIN does allow you to use zip codes and radius' from those zip codes!

You need to use certain syntax to 'hard code' them in the People search box on the top of the page.

Here's an example you can 'play' around with:

ctitle:examiner "workers compensation" country:"united states" zip:94102 radius:50

Here's where you'll find all the commands:

A great article on the LI Advanced searches by Glen Cathey was written at his site here:

You could try x-raying Craigslist -

Here's the basic string that you can add your key words to: (inurl:res | inurl:/res/) "san francisco" "worker* compensation


David Watson said:
Thanks for your help.
Are there sites other than LinkedIn that would get good results. I have found facebook to be very disjointed.
Also LinkedIn doesn't utilize area codes or zip codes correct?

Thanks again,


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