Boolean Strings Network

The Internet Sourcing Community

Find the person on Twitter who:

1) uses the word recruiter in his/her bio;
2) is included in the largest number of lists on twitter.

Post the name and the solution.
The solution should not take longer than 5-10 minutes.

The person who posts the twitter ID with the highest number of lists (with the explanation on how to do that) is invited to attend the webinar on Tuesday Social Media Sourcing from A to Z free of charge.

Have fun!

Also posted at

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Phew :) That was a good challenge.

OK, congratulations to you (again!). Please register for the webinar.

Jess said:
Phew :) That was a good challenge.
When is the next challenge ... this was good.. Congrats Irina...
As Usual, didnt matched to Indian time, and i was late in seeing.. :(
Next contest will happen on Indian time, I promise! However I am afraid I am not able to deliver webinars on Indian time...I am in the Pacific time zone.

Avnish Jain said:
As Usual, didnt matched to Indian time, and i was late in seeing.. :(

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