Boolean Strings Network

The Internet Sourcing Community

Hi All,

I'd like to share this idea/ recent experience with you.

On Friday LinkedIn quietly added a "Jobs" tab to its groups. (It also added a checkbox for following a discussion by the way.)
I first felt that since jobs are posted anyway this would allow to at least do some sorting of group posts. (The worst, I think, are the "open networker, connect with me" posts that dilute good content on many groups.)

But then I thought that this provides an opportunity to create specifically job-posting-oriented groups. So, on Saturday I announced a group Management Consulting Jobs - this is the area of our expertise at Brain Gain Recruiting.
By now, the group got over 2,000 people and growing. (That means that the group is getting one new member per minute.) We posted some of our jobs under the Jobs tab and are getting some good results (and of course some irrelevant results.)

What are your thoughts on this?

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I believe it will help 'clean up' the Open Networker posts as you indicated, and hopefully allow many more candidates to search jobs in a specific place on various groups!
I agree with Gary and think this would be an excellent idea. I also think that we should begin to build a library of basic search strings that can be modified to suit unique searches. Thoughts?
A Library of strings sounds great! Let's start a new discussion item on this.

Dave Graziano said:
I agree with Gary and think this would be an excellent idea. I also think that we should begin to build a library of basic search strings that can be modified to suit unique searches. Thoughts?
I agree with Gary and Dave. The libray is a good idea and could be used by all new comers as ref tool.
I'm one of those newcomers that would greatly appreciate the library of basic search strings! I've been collecting a little bit here and there, but will be looking forward to the library. Thanks much!
I agree a library would benefit the new sourcer quickly. I know when I began sourcing... I copied strings and adjusted the content to achieve results. It also helped me become familiar with constructing my own strings.....A library sounds great.
Thanks! Perhaps Dave, John, Shawna, or Regina could start a new discussion item on this forum and describe the Library project?

By the way, are you familiar with eGrabber's ResumeFinder? It's a library of Boolean strings.

It would be nice to create our own, of course.
For those who own ResumeFinder, there's an easy way to add extra strings there.
Most everything is quite new to me, so eGrabber's Resume Finder will be another added to the list.

I would like to find a local class that would give me a jump start. The only one I've found is an AIRS training class coming up in April in Dallas, TX. If anyone can recommend something else that would benefit me, please let me know.

Thanks to all!

I plan to do some webinars stating in March 09. Please email me at and I will send you an update when I finalize the schedule.

Shawna Doskocil said:
Most everything is quite new to me, so eGrabber's Resume Finder will be another added to the list.

I would like to find a local class that would give me a jump start. The only one I've found is an AIRS training class coming up in April in Dallas, TX. If anyone can recommend something else that would benefit me, please let me know.

Thanks to all!
I am not sure, but I am going to try to set up a group for "Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs Jobs". Wish me luck! I will let you know how it works out.

I look forward to hearing from others on how this has worked for them.

Finally, could you add me to your list of those interested in your upcoming webinars?

And thank you Irina, for getting me involved in this network.

Strategic Placements
How do you even use these strings, sorry if the question if too lame, but I am trying to get some experience with them. thanks
I agree. I'm new to using Boolean and have copied and pasted myself from other blogs with search tips. It would be a great help to us newbies for sure.

Regina Farr said:
I agree a library would benefit the new sourcer quickly. I know when I began sourcing... I copied strings and adjusted the content to achieve results. It also helped me become familiar with constructing my own strings.....A library sounds great.

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