Are you ready for a people sourcing contest? Two (or more) prizes await the winners.
Prize #1. Attendance at the first-ever UK live
People Sourcing Certification Training
on October 24, 2012 - PLUS - continue with 4 weeks practice and tests online in the
People Sourcing Certification Program in January 2013.
Optionally, you can continue at
the Level Two instead, starting in February.
Additional prizes for the UK attendance class will be given out to those who solve all of the sourcing puzzles, space permitting.
Prize #2. Attendance at the
People Sourcing Certification Program in January/February 2013
at the Level One or Level Two (your choice).
Deadline for the Contest: EOB Pacific Time MONDAY OCTOBER 22. When you are ready, enter the Contest Here:
(Don't worry if you think you got it wrong the first time and can think of some improvements; we'll accept multiple entries.)
To warm you up for the Contest, here are a few images you will see in the questions:
Thanks to all for taking part in the International People Sourcing Contest also featured on my blog. I hope you guys had some fun!
The competition was fierce! We had a total of over 30 submissions - from the UK; the Netherlands; Australia; India; the US (Chicago, Atlanta, Austin, San Diego, NYC, Seattle and Bellingham, WA), to name some places.
We have four people who did the best. Eighteen people did almost as well, earning just a few points below that.
And the winners are…
No, sorry, I am not giving away the answers or the ways to find them! Each of the questions has been answered correctly at least once. Hopefully you guys will have a discussion online, since there has been so much interest generated - here or on the LI group.
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