Boolean Strings Network

The Internet Sourcing Community

We are happy to announce the details of the Sourcing Challenge sponsored by @TheSocialCV

The challenge comes along with a free one week trial available for members of the Boolean Strings Network members exclusively, from 9AM January 31 till February 6. The sign-up link is

Sourcers - are you ready to compete? 



  1. Find a Software Developer, who has written code for mobile devices, living in the San Francisco Bay Area, with the largest number of social profiles
  2. Find a bilingual medical professional who has a certification, anywhere in the US, with the largest number of social profiles
  3. Find a PhD research scientist anywhere in Europe, teaching at a major university, with the largest number of social profiles
  4. Bonus (used in case of a tie): Find as many as possible current employees of companies making search engines, who do not reveal any professional info on their twitter profiles.

You should use; you will get logins at 9AM PST Jan 31st. It’s also allowed to use other sources in addition to that.

Please send your answers to the questions above to by Feb 6th.You can send additions and corrections if you like, till the deadline. Please explain your solutions.

Our Esteemed Panel of Judges, consisting of:

will be reviewing all submissions and will be announcing the lucky winner shortly after Feb 6, 2012.

Have fun and good luck to all! 

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Question- if one finds the correct answers before the 6th, how does one know? Or, how will you be judging the multitude of correct responses that come in by the 6th??

Suzy -

Thanks for asking! (And I am so glad you are taking part!) We don't have one correct answer in mind for any of the questions above.

(We also didn't "send out" any fake personalities for this contest.)

We are asking to find people in the three given categories with the max number of social profiles. 

For each submission the four of us on the panel will verify that:

- each of the 3 social profiles fits the requested categories; 

- then add up the numbers of the profiles and compare submissions based on that. If several submissions are close we'll review the bonus answers. 

We'll glance over submissions as we get them and will try to warn participants if they are on the wrong track; but we make no promises.

Folks on the panel have the right to decide on relevancy of submissions based on their best judgement.

Thanks Irina. I just think there will be quite a few ties then, but that's OK- I'm having fun already but who knows? There's a lot geekier and nerdier than I out there.... =]

Fun is all that matters! :)

I've run a few contests by now and I suspect that we'll have a clear winner... we'll see...

(and yes, I agree with your last statement :))


One extra clarification note on the contest for All:

You should certainly use your free TheSocialCV access, but you can also use any additional tools and methods available to you to find the answers.


OK- I have sent on my answers. Fingers crossed!

have sent on my answers. Fingers crossed!  @Suzy and Irina - How are you both?

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