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The Internet Sourcing Community

Do you use Yahoo? What do you like and dislike about it?
What are its unique features? (Linkdomain, ...?)
What are the current limitations?
Are there some useful online articles or sources that teach you about it?

I am hoping to see a variety of views from our community. Thanks!

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Exalead support Near: operation (

Irina Shamaeva said:
I don't think Yahoo supports the NEAR operator. (I wish!)

Jan Kirchner said:
Another unique and great feature of Yahoo! is the boolean NEAR: -operator, which allows you to define the maximum distance between two keywords to be no more than 10 words.
Hi Irina, hi Kelly,

unfortunately I can't remember where I learned about it. So why does it work? As far as I remember its got something to do with an index of a "faded" search engine supporting NEAR which has been acquired by Yahoo! (and was added to the yahoo index) (Altavista???). Since I couldn't find any other documentation either, I ran a few tests at the time, and the results seemed to prove it right. Since it is not the first operator which isn't officially supported (e.g. ext: on Google) I asked no further questions. Should you manage to find more detailed info anywhere please let me know!
I have no documented proof but I do indeed remember Altavista supported (introduced?) NEAR, and was using it often in the 90s. Altavista was 'Google', back in the day.

Wow, there was a generation of us doing web/Internet searches before most people even knew what the Internet was. Days gone by...

Jan Kirchner said:
Hi Irina, hi Kelly,

unfortunately I can't remember where I learned about it. So why does it work? As far as I remember its got something to do with an index of a "faded" search engine supporting NEAR which has been acquired by Yahoo! (and was added to the yahoo index) (Altavista???). Since I couldn't find any other documentation either, I ran a few tests at the time, and the results seemed to prove it right. Since it is not the first operator which isn't officially supported (e.g. ext: on Google) I asked no further questions. Should you manage to find more detailed info anywhere please let me know!

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