I’m not very experienced in using string searches but I gave it a go but I’m not sure it was the most successful attempt.
Perhaps you could tell me what Im doing wrong.
I’m looking for Web Developers
Hands on experience with xHTML & CSS
Experience with Adobe Photoshop™ and Illustrator™
Knowledge of AS2 (possibly AS3)
An understanding & appreciation for developers using Java & PHP
I ran my string on Google
(“web developer” OR developer)(Applications xHTML CSS “Adobe Photoshop” Illustrator Java PHP) (London OR Central London UK)(intitle:resume OR inurl:resume OR intitle:cv OR inurl:cv OR intitle:vitae OR inurl:vitae)
Notice I opened the search to have any of xhtml css photoshp illustrator (the | symbol indicates OR in Google), to obtain more results. You can include all of them (remove the | symbol between the words) which gave me only 2 - but they were exact.
I cleaned up your string a little. Got rid of some of the noise...not sure if this helped...(“web developer” OR developer) (xHTML CSS “Adobe Photoshop” Illustrator Java PHP) (London OR "Central London") (intitle:resume OR inurl:resume OR intitle:cv OR inurl:cv OR intitle:vitae OR inurl:vitae) ~-job ~-jobs -sample -"resume service"
Here's the string I would start with. I'm not as familiar with London so you may want to play with the location search criteria so you can narrow the results.
Use on Google:
(inurl:resume|intitle:resume|intitle:vitae|intitle:LinkedIn)Develop Web (Flash|Flex|AS2|“ActionScript”|“Action Script”) (XHTML|XML)(CSS|“Cascade *”|“cascading *”) Adobe (Photoshop|Illustrator|“Creative Suite”| “Adobe CS”) (“London, United Kingdom”|London) ("*, UK"|"*, London"|inurl:pub|inurl:in) -jobs