Is the following string correct for searching an Antenna Systems Engineer with Aerospace background in the Boston area?
> (inurl:resume | intitle: resume) "antenna systems engineer" country:"united states" Boston area radius:100 (Aerospace | aircraft) -jobs -jobs
> How do I add the following to this string? antenna design ,subsystems design, radar systems, DOD security clearance?
> Your help is much appreciated?
> Thanks
> John
I believe the title "antenna systems engineer" is very rare which is why there may be very few around! However, I think your string is combining 'hard coding' for people searches on LinkedIN with resume searches on Google. Your commands for country:"united states" and radius:100 area commands you can use directly in LinkedIN- check out the way to code this at:
I had to 'relax your search by using the following command in GOOGLE for linkedin profiles & got some good results- I chose to use Google for LinkedIN profiles as I received more hits then using (inurl:resume | intitle:resume) or ~resume commands for general resumes on Google: