Our company just selected a CRM tool and will need to hire a very specialized skillset and experience with Salesforce.com in Dallas, Texas. I know using boolean strings is likely the most effective method for this but have such little experience with them. Are there a couple of basic templates that could help our recruiters get started? Or sources you could point me too? thanks so much!
This group and the LinkedIN Boolean Strings group will get your group up to speed. You will get a feel for basic boolean searche sytyx within these discussionss. You may also want to follow http://booleanblackbelt.com (Glen Cathey's blogs) and Irina (this groups moderator) also has beginning DVD's. There are also AIRS courses and a number of others. Best way to learn is practice, practice, practice.
Here is a sample string you can add keywords to for BING for salesforce.com administrators:
site:linkedin.com salesforce.com NEAR:4 administrator "dallas fort worth area" powered